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Recent News & Updates
Beachcomber – March – April 2025
Beachcomber is the newsletter of Grand Strand Intergroup. Checkout the March – April – 2025 issue now.
Beachcomber – November-December 2024
Beachcomber is the newsletter of Grand Strand Intergroup
Beachcomber – September-October 2024
Beachcomber is the newsletter of Grand Strand Intergroup
The Intergroup Office
1:00PM - 4:00PM
1:00PM - 4:00PM -
940 Broadway Street
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Click for Directions - Office: 843-655-7674
- Send a Message
PO Box 2553
Myrtle Beach, SC 29578
Please call before coming to verify the office is staffed and has the supplies needed. Intergroup usually has AA literature, chips, and pamphlets available but please check before visiting.
What is an Intergroup?
A central office (or intergroup) is an A.A. service office that involves partnership among groups in a community – just as A.A. groups themselves are partnerships of individuals. A central office is established to carry out certain function common to all groups – functions which are best handled by a centralized office – and it is usually maintained supervised, and supported by these groups in their general interest. It exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
Interested in Starting a New Group?
New groups in the Grand Strand Intergroup region must register with G.S.O. Complete the official new meeting form below and send to G.S.O. Once your group has been assigned a Group Number please send it to Grand Strand Intergroup to be included in meeting listings.
Who We Are
Grand Strand Intergroup is a committee of volunteers that encourages mutual support and cooperation between AA groups and provides services that would be too much for the individual groups to handle by themselves. Grand Strand Intergroup provides the following services for the AA community and the general public:
- Central Office
- Literature Distribution
- Meeting Schedules
- A.A. Hotline
- Liaison Services for A.A. Groups
- Liaison Services for the General Public
- Service Committees
- Public Information
- Cooperation with the Professional Community
- Cooperation with Treatment Facilities
- Cooperation with Correctional Facilities
- Sponsor special functions for all groups
History of the Grand Strand Intergroup
Guidelines from the Greater Columbia Intergroup and Greenville Intergroup were obtained as a guide.
Literature packages were distributed at the Old Prison Farm, and the Horry County Jail along with old grapevines. The Clergy was given literature along with physicians and various employment agencies. Ads ran in the newspaper 7 days a week in the personal column. (“If you want to drink that is your business if you want to stop, it’s ours”.)
A stamp was made and all literature stamped with Intergroup’s phone number before being handed out.
Intergroup’s first big fundraiser was the New Year’s Eve dance held at St. Andrews Church. According to the minutes it went very well and at that time they hoped to make it a yearly event.
Before any decision was made regarding the work of Intergroup, the question was always asked, are we abiding within the Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Intergroup Committees and Services
Responsibility Statement: When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, we want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: we are responsible.
Grand Strand Intergroup provides a number of vital services to the AA community, thanks to the work of AA member committees, service boards and Intergroup representatives.
Bridging The Gap
…between those leaving treatment and the rooms of AA. Help newcomers find their way to meetings & feel more connected when they get there.
Professional Community
Keeping the professional community that works with alcoholics, such as medical & treatment professionals, clergy, lawyers, educators & law enforcement, informed about AA.
Treatment Centers
Sharing our experience, strength, and hope with the alcoholic who still suffers by taking meeting into treatment facilities.
Correction Facilities
Take meetings into correctional facilities & carries the AA message to the alcoholic who suffers.
Public Information
Panels meet with the media, schools, clubs, and the general public and show videos (produced by the General Service Office), provide literature, contact information and answer questions about AA.
24/7 AA Hotline
Hotline volunteers are often first contact for AA, and keep the phones staffed 24-hours a day by taking calls from home.
Annual Picnic Committee
For many years, Myrtle Beach AA’s have been getting together for an annual picnic – but it wouldn’t happen without dedicated volunteers.
Intergroup Representatives
IGRs represent their AA group at the monthly meeting, and keep their group appraised on motions, activities and ongoing topics.
Web & Digital Committee
Our committee aims to promote unity, service and recovery in the areas from Florence to the entire Grand Strand through accurate & easily accessible digital materials including the website and email distribution.