Pig Pickin’ / Turkey Pluckin’ Extravaganza!

Serenity Hall 2118 Oak Street, Conway, South Carolina, United States

Alanon Speaker at NoonTurkey and Fixings Lunch at 1:00PMFellowship and Music All AfternoonDinner with Pork BBQ, Turkey, & More at 6:00PMAA Speaker at 8:00PM Covered Dishes Welcome! Open to All!

Primary Purpose Holiday Party

Fellowship at 6:00PM Dinner at 6:30PM Open Speaker Meeting at 8:30PM Speaker will be Jonathan S. from the High Noon Group Please bring a covered dish if you can.


Alano Club Holiday Gala

The Alano Club 906 67th Ave N, Myrtle Beach, SC, United States

Special Guest Appearance by Santa Food & Fellowship Raffles and 50/50 8PM Guest Speaker Covered Dishes are Encouraged


New Years Eve Alcathon

The Alano Club 906 67th Ave N, Myrtle Beach, SC, United States

A night of fun, food, and meetings to celebrate 2022 and usher in 2023. Dinner served at 5pm. Meetings begin at 7:00pm and rotate every 2 hours. DJ and Dance, 50/50 Raffle
